I made it my secret goal a while back to have a different adventure every day in Aix. By now, I can confirm that I have pretty much met this goal. This past week is a blur though.
Monday- It was my roommate, Lindsay's, 20th birthday! Sweet Savannah went out a bought her a cake and flowers with which we all surprised her monday night! It was hilarious because Lindsay was working out in our room when we all came upstairs and barged into the room to surprise her! haha, poor girl still had ipod earphones in as we sang happy birthday. :D here we are, having moved into the kitchen:
Tuesday- Had my internship like usual. I wasn't planning on conducting that night, but when I arrived, the director explained that he had to go conduct another rehearsal and would be there only for the first 30 minutes- could I take over for the rest of the time? haha.. ahhh. I wasn't quite prepared musically or mentally, but we pushed through it. He told me later that he was going to have me conduct Rhapsody in Blue at the orchestra concert in november. I'm SO excited :D I love that piece, and it's perhaps a bit cheesy, but cool that the little american girl is conducting one of the most famous american pieces.
Wednesday- whhhaat a day. We awoke to the blasting and whipping mistral winds and lashing cold rain. And what was worse was that the entire group had to all take a big trip to Marseilles to have a mandatory (according to our student visa) health exam. As we unboarded the bus we all popped out our umbrellas, most of which were instantly inverted by the wind. It was quite a scene- all of us walking down the grey streets holding our umbrellas sideways, since that was the direction in which the rain was falling. To our surprise, the first thing on the health exam was a chest exam! Definitely top adventure of the week. Then they told us to keep our x-rays.. hahah- so we were all sitting out in the lobby comparing spines and rib cages. Oh, France.
here's my chest:

Thursday- last day of classes before our Fall Vacation week. I gave a presentation in class that I was really excited about.. but it ended up being way too long and I couldn't finish. :( I was sad, but it was my own dang fault. It was a presentation about Stravinsky's Ballet, Sacre du Printemps. I just got a bit too excited about it I suppose.
Thursday night I had dinner with the director of the conservatory and his wife. They're so great and kind. They took me out to a nice restaurant and treated me. I had delicious pasta and had lots left over, but didn't want to waste it, so I did the most american thing ever- asked for a take-out box. Every one sort of laughs at me when I do that here, but then they explain how they support it! The couple at the table next to us even jumped in on the conversation and were saying how good it was not to waste and what not. Haha, all the same, I still get curious glances. I'm startin' the revolution in France, I tell you what!
Friday... weekend... what happened? I did tons and tons of work. I have way too much work for this dang vacation. Had to read 100 pages of a french book, outline a paper about a poem which therefore involved really analyzing the poem, do some art history reading, aaannd I still have to write a 10 page paper in French all about my internship. Its part of the internship credit requirements. blah.
All of my roommates had left for vacation by friday- I leave for vienna tomorrow [tuesday] *yay!* So I had the place to myself for the weekend. It has its good and bad sides. I definitely sang and blasted music, I cleaned up the apartment and it stayed clean :) But I was sorta bored during the evenings.
Friday, my friend Patrick, who was still here, and I went to a mexican restaurant! I was soo excited to have black beans! Patrick told me that the owner had explained to him that they have to import the black beans.. they really don't have them in this country!!
Saturday Patrick and I tried to go to the Alps for the day. This was by far the biggest fail of the week (haha!). We took the bus to the Aix train station where there was supposed to be another bus to take us to the city Digne, at the base of the Alps. We could not find this bus.... so we missed it. It was very sad. Here we are... waiting for the bus.
so we laughed, split a chocolate bar, and explored the trainstation like it was a tourist site. Then we took the bus back and I had a productive saturday.
Here's patrick taking photos of the train station :D

Sunday the time changed in France and I didn't know.. so it was a confusing morning. M. Camatte (conservatory director) invited me to mass at the cathedral right next to my apartment. Not just to attend, but to sing with the choir! haha. Because of the time change, I'll just say that I didn't think I had made it in time to sing, but in fact I really had. I'm going to try to sing with them next sunday that I'm home. What a hilarious experience! But I did get to meet the organist and piddle around on the beautiful organ there after the service. Here are photos: